Chapter 2 The saying still rings true, I suppose, except now I’ve just given in; the “can’t” has come sooner than expected. My cynicism and disparagement in life comes with the territory. It started back when things were simpler, before the shakes and the seizures. The doctors told me that when they started, the alcohol was weakening my immune system. When paired with the chronic smoking, it all just gave me a greater chance to meet the reaper through the exact same hand my father had been dealt. Having never been that great at poker, I chanced my life with a bluff, and bet it all into the pot of gold that was part of the delusion that the disease reflected at the bottom of each bottle that I drank nightly and with each hourly cigarette. Eight years later, now at forty two years old, the doc handed me some papers with eyes that said, “I told you so.” I’d be dead within a year. My father, who had actually never smoked a day in his life, cursed God for the deceptiveness of the fort...
Writings and memories from the past, about the future, and other short fictional and nonfictional stories surrounding addiction, recovery, and my life in general.