This was written by me while I was homeless in Seattle sometime in 2015. At the time of writing, I was staying in the hospital, all hopped up on drugs because I was detoxing from alcohol and going through withdrawals. There are many errors within, yet the message remains the same. It will forever be etched in my memory and provided a solid foundation which sparked my newfound love of writing.
The Hardness of The
Some of you live in big
cities, some of you don't. But some of the cruelty and pure ignorance of the
people that I see bites me to the bones. It can be simple kicking of a pigeon
(who are quite annoying, I know) just trying to do their thing, to passing
someone who is just crashed out in the middle of the sidewalk, not stopping to
see if they’re ok. Now I know in downtown King County alone we have
10,007 homeless on the streets. I am
part of that number. Yes, some nights I
sleep in parks or under overpasses, getting my stuff stolen and beaten up for
the little that I have. Getting wet
under those damn wool blankets that are made of who knows what. You've all seen them. Putting cardboard down just so my ass isn't
bruised in the morning. ‘Why not go to a shelter,’ you say? They are full. There’s not enough. And the ones I do try to
get into cost about 5$ a day because they are mostly for people in some sort of
program. ‘Get into a program’, you
say. Waitlists are shitlists. Some do what they can, going to WorkSource or
selling papers on the corners, but even then people just look at them like
pieces of spent meat.
I’ve lived in downtown Seattle
long enough to tell who really deserves a dollar and who is just going to go
straight to use that same dollar for crack, but it's still a hard thing to see because
I live that life. I've been one to hold my hand out and to be constantly
rejected and sneered at. I get what I can, when I can, doing odd jobs here and
there and some general labor. Even
returning stolen goods for gift cards for people, only to turn them in at a
pawn shop for cash, but the constant search for a dollar just to eat or sleep
somewhere is a struggle I never saw myself growing up to face.
Job applications are
another thing. 3 time felon, 3 misdemeanors, no phone, no address, only
one good reference from FareStart. I got skills, but I know I go to the
bottom of the application stack. It's a
hole that I’ve never been so deep in, but I have faith in God that He will
reach his hand in and let me out and give me another chance. Seattle is a
huge city of chance, and I know that I’ll eventually have many, I just gotta do
the work to find them.
As for the homeless,
yeah it's an epidemic, and it’ll only get worse. Fuck the walking dead
(which is all we seem to be), soon you'll just hear clanging cans and hands
reaching out for you wherever you go. All that moaning and shuffling feet
from people who eventually just lean over and nod out. Who knows what to do… I know I’m gonna do my
part though. Look to God, do the work,
and persevere.
Sorry for any spelling and
grammatical errors. I'm in the hospital. I had nowhere to go and it's
cold outside. It’s the only option these days.
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